The Julie Andrews Collection

Books By Other Authors

There once was a pebble on a rocky shore. It was small and round and nearly smooth. Amid a seascape dotted with endless rocks, one pebble yearns to be special. Can you find the pebble? Susan Milord's clear prose and exquisite collages offer

Baldmoney, Sneezewort, Dodder, and Cloudberry are the last four gnomes existing in Britain. Until recently, the brothers have lived together in their oak tree home on the banks of the Folly brook. But several months ago, Cloudberry disappeared, and the

Meet Bejinhos. Bejinhos means "little kisses." Little Kisses and Jolie like to go on walks up to the village and down to the bluffs so they can see all their friends. Jolie reminds Little Kisses never to accept treats from strangers, to

Life is lonely for Korean-American Jamie Park since the death of his mother. While he finds solace in running track - though a strange sensation nipping at his heels leaves him curiously confused - his busy scientist father's absence only