The Julie Andrews Collection


It's Christmas Eve on Merryhill Farm, and Charlie can't fall asleep. There's a loud crash on the roof - and who should appear but Santa and a broken-down sleigh. Now how will all of the children in the world receive their presents from Santa? Dumpy comes to the rescue, of course, as Santa and Charlie load up Dumpy's dumper with

Charlie, who is nervous about his first day of school, and Dumpy the Dumptruck, who is nervous about his first construction job, gradually adjust to their new settings after making new friends. In addition to those published in The Julie Andrews Collection, Julie Andrews Edwards and Emma Hamilton have published the following other titles in the Dumpy the Dump Truck series.

Even an old dump truck deserves a second chance. It's a sunny morning on Merryhilll Farm and everyone has a job to do, including Bee-Bee the Backhoe and Trundle the Tractor. But one old truck is no longer working; Dumpy lies rusted and broken in the long grass. Charlie and his grandfather decide to fix him up in time to help