The Julie Andrews Collection

The Julie Andrews Collection

Children’s Book Editing

Need an Experienced, Effective Editor?

Emma Walton Hamilton is a best-selling children’s book author (5 times on the NY Times Bestseller list, including #1). And, as Editorial Director of the Julie Andrews Collection publishing program, she has shepherded dozens of books by other authors through the publication process. Because she is an author as well as an editor, Emma uniquely understands the challenges and nuances of creating a successful children’s book…

Click here to see Emma’s books. Click here to see books edited by Emma.

Here is a list of some of her editorial services:

Manuscript Evaluation
Comprehensive written evaluation of manuscript, with specific recommendations as to how to strengthen and improve plot, narrative, character development, theme, structure and presentation.

Line Editing
Line-by line recommendations to focus and tighten the story, strengthen the themes, enhance readability, improve grammar and sentence structure and maximize sales potential.


One-to-one mentoring and consultation for writing and publishing projects on an hourly basis.

Click here to see more on the Children’s Book Editing Services offered by Emma Walton Hamilton.