The Julie Andrews Collection

The Julie Andrews Collection

Announcing The Very Fairy Princess App!

Announcing The Very Fairy Princess App!Let your inner SPARKLE out!

Announcing the new Very Fairy Princess free app for iPhone and iPad! Young princes and princesses can cultivate their sparkle with the Very Sparkly Wand feature: Choose from three colors and sounds and add a little sparkle to anything you wish with just a flick of the iPhone or iPad. They can also see themselves as the princes or princess they truly are with the Sparkly Photo feature, which offers a choice of three crowns added to a photo taken with the app or uploaded from your photo library. You can then email, post, or tweet your picture for all your friends and family to see! There’s also information about the series, of course, and a gallery of images and captions from the books.

Click here to find out more: The Very Fairy Princess for iPhone